Nucleo forte
Nucleo forte

The clinical examination of animals show occurrence (onset of gait, knuckling, swelling and pain at the operated leg) that were evaluated from the start until the end of the study (sixteen week).

nucleo forte

The sciatic nerve axotomy was done on the right hind limb at the middle femoral bone and then the nerve coaptated immediately by nylon suture 0-5 with end-to-end anastomosis, using simple interrupted suture, and then the activated platelet rich plasma was injected immediately at the site of coaptated nerve at subepineural site but in Cytidine monophosphate group, the dogs are treated with Cytidine monophosphate 5 mg/day intramuscular for 30 day post operation. They were randomly divided into two equal groups: Platelet Rich Plasma group and Cytidine Monophosphate group. Eight healthy adult dogs were used to complete this study. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the efficacy of each Cytidine Monophosphate and Platelet Rich Plasma on the regeneration of sciatic nerve injury of dogs. The neurohistopathological results that showed the number of Schwann cells proliferation and orientation of regenerative nerve fibers were observed most clear and improved in Cytidine monophosphate. The conductive velocity on 16 th weeks postoperative, the results showed significant differences in the same group between right sciatic nerve (operated) and left sciatic nerve and significant differences between groups at (p<0.05) were the best conductivity in Cytidine monophosphate group compared with other groups. Moreover, the electrophysiological studies were carried out by isolation of the sciatic nerve. The clinical assessment of motor and sensory nerve functions revealed significant differences between the Cytidine monophosphate and control group, the Cytidine monophosphate more effective than Platelet rich plasma group.

nucleo forte

The histopathological examination of regenerated nerve sections (three parts of 1 cm long each) were collected from the proximal, middle (injured site) and distal segments and used to determine the degree of the sciatic nerve regeneration. The conductive velocity was measured at the end of study and macroscopic evaluation demonstrated a degree of nerve stump coaptation, adhesion, thickness and the presence of neuroma.

nucleo forte

The clinical examination (motor and sensory function) showed occurrence of onset, gait, and knuckling that were evaluated weekly from the starting until the end of the study (sixteen week). The sciatic nerve axotomy was done on the right hind limb and then the nerve sutured immediately by nylon suture 0-5 with end-to-end anastomosis, using simple interrupted suture, and then the Cytidine monophosphate group the dogs were injected with Cytidine monophosphate 5 mg/day intramuscular intake for 30 day post operation. They were randomly divided into two equal groups, control group and Cytidine Monophosphate group. The objective of the present research was to evaluate the efficacy of Cytidine Monophosphate on the regeneration of sciatic nerve injury of dogs.

Nucleo forte